Day 49 - 365 Sniffles

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Day 49 - 365 Sniffles
Originally uploaded by scrapgeek/NKMphotos
Blargh! Still got the sniffles, but at least I made it through a whole day of work (yay). Hopefully, I'll be over this soon.


Day 50 - 365 Nada-Zip-Zilch

Well, that's all I got for this day. Actually, I had nothing, but I thought I'd better post something. Hopefully, I'll be over this cold soon.


Day 48 - 365 Fishing

Still stuck at at home with a cold, going through the house looking for stuff to take pictures of. Here is my little trio of 'fishing buddies' sitting on a bench on my shelf. :D


Day 47 - 365 Trivet

I've had a cold for several days now, and I'm really having to push myself to take my daily picture. So, here goes: tadaa--a trivet. OK, I admit, it's not that great, but this is all I could come up with.


Day 46-365 Doodles

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Originally uploaded by scrapgeek/NKMphotos
Just doodling around showing Katie how to draw hearts and then we moved on to pigs. Of course when you do pigs you gotta do the Angry Bird pigs--I love those guys. I got the face down, I think, but the ears still give me trouble. Hmmm, got to work on that. I was trying to draw a hippo for Katie; the schnaaz was ok, but then I sent wrong somewhere with the head and body and it turned into Snoopy--oh well. :D


Day 45 - 365 Scribbles

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Too much work, not enough time for pictures :P And, once again, it's almost midnight--I need some time off!


Day 43 - 365 Candy Hearts

Monday, February 14, 2011

I like this vase. I got it for V-day a couple of years ago and now I'm keeping some dried flowers in it. I decided to do a close-up of just the candy hearts and try out the new free Mini Fusion action from MCP (thanks Jodi, these are great). I also played around with the Photo Tools and Photo Frame tools, available free from onOne.


Day 41 - 365 Photogs

Sunday, February 13, 2011

I love to find an opportunity to take pictures of my What the Duck photo ducks. Here they are, hanging out after a successful photo shoot.


Day 40 - 365 Action Ruler

So, it's late (again) and I haven't taken a picture for today (groan). Picture...think...think...think...hmm, what's this? A ruler? Ok, not that exciting. But wait, it moves when you move it--it's like a little Posing Stick Figure Movie. Whoa...moving!
Did I mention it was late? Hey, I get excited about the little things late at night when I really want to go to bed,
So here we have it, a stark, contrasted piece depicting the struggle of the, or, perhaps it's just a fun little ruler--you decide. I'm going to bed.


Day 39 - Peas in a Pod

Ok, I'm slowly catching up with posting the pictures I took over the last week. I would get a lot more done, if that silly distractor, aka work, didn't constantly rear its ugly head!
Ah, but then I would be able to (occasionally) buy camera-goodies. :D

So, the actual picture was cute and as is, but I thought the pod and the background, well everything, was just a bit too colorful. Other than adding my logo and, of course, the hidden day-number, I only used the Branding Iron action from MCP's Finish It set. To get the lovely tone, I tried the (free--whoohoo) Pretty Presets Brown LightRoom Preset. I'm definitely going to have to buy some of them.


Day 38-365 Love

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 38-365 Love
Originally uploaded by scrapgeek/NKMphotos
Here's a little pre-Valentine's Day shot. It wasn't planned, really, it just ended up with the hearts :D
I think this is for place cards at a themed dinner table or perhaps to hold a picture. I started shooting it with various cards, but wasn't happy with that. I had an idea of a small card with a heart on it, but couldn't find anything in the house. Then I remembered Some glittery stickers I got for my daughter and voila--Valentine's theme!


37-365 Katie's Crayons

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Katie loves her cool crayons and she'll be happy to share them with you, but you'd better put them back exactly where they were! :D


Day 36-365 Angry Birds Birthday Cake

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Woohoo! The cake is finished. We almost ran out of time and everyone ended up helping. Nick made all the beaks, some pigs, a red bird, half the slingshot and eyebrows. Oh, and he really wanted to do the mustache :D
I'm happy with the result, but, boy, it was a lot of work. Especially when you can't do it all at once and have to do a little here and there after work. Katie's Birthday is next month and so far she wants a Littlest Petshop cake. They do make those at the store, so I don't have to bone up on big-headed pink dogs ^_*


Day 35-365 No Eyes

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 35-365 No Eyes
Originally uploaded by scrapgeek/NKMphotos
I was up until after 11 to get as many little critters done as I can. Tomorrow is the Birthday Party and I'd better have something to put the candles on :D


Mosaic January 2011

Mosaic January 2011
Originally uploaded by scrapgeek/NKMphotos

Yay, I finished the first Month of 2011 for the 365 Project--whoohoo!! If you'd like to see the individual pictures, head on over to my Photoblog. And while you're there, leave me some love (er, comments), would you?


Day 34-365 - Olives

Thursday, February 3, 2011

OK, here is the first iPhone pic I used. Today was crazy at work and afterwards we went out to dinner for Nick's Birthday, so it was quite late when we got home to a messy house--aargh. So, cleanup, getting yesterday's picture done--AND I didn't do any work on the Angry Birds cake--no panic yet--that'll be tomorrow (haha)


Day 33-365 - Progress

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Countdown to Saturday has begun. That's when Nick's Birthday Party is and that's when the Angry Birds cake has to be finished. Nothing happening on Thursday, because that's actual Birthday and, of course, we're going out to Dinner and he gets to pick the restaurant. Hmmm, lemme guess, Olive Garden, right? (snicker) It's his favorite place. He's a salad and bread sticks boy :D (not that I'm complaining, mind you)
So, that leaves Friday evening (after I get home from work, around 7) and Saturday Morning to finish. Am I panicking? Nope, well not yet anyway. Come Saturday Morning, if the cake isn't mostly done--THEN I'll panic!


Day 32 - Cake Supplies

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ok, I got the supplies for the Angry Bird Cake decorations. Tomorrow I only work a half day, so after picking the kids up from school, I'll be making birds and pigs.

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