Spring is here - I hope

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Finally, the days where we get (almost) up to the weather we're supposed to be having this time of year, are getting more frequent. Today is actually the second day in a row we can go outside without a jacket on!! Time to clean the yard and garage--but that's another post.

So, last week we had another such day (imagine that!), so we took the opportunity of a couple of hours before picking the kids up from school and went to the capitol in search of some photo ops. Oh, and to try out the new tripods (and heads) we got. We managed to get a few decent shots of the capitol and surrounding area. It was still a little early to get any flowers and I'm not sure they'll be having to many this year given the budget issues.
The picture I'm showing below is a combination of two shots I took; one of them had a better DOF for the background and the other had more of the ledge in focus. I did some basic adjustments in LightRoom and then moved on to Photoshop, where I used a combination of Actions.
I started off with Boost, from the (free) Pioneer Woman Action Set 1 (I seem to always start with that one :D). Then, I used the (also free--yay) Mini Fusion Action from MCP and adjusted the various settings, like contrast, warm tint and then I lightened it a bit.
Then, to bring out the leaf and petal colors on the ledge, I used MCP's Fingerpaint action from the Quickie Collection. Lastly, I added the Dusty vignette from MCP's All in the Details set. And finally, finished it off with the BuildIt Rounded Color Block from MCP's Finish It set. Hmm, can you tell I use a lot of MCP actions? Here is the finished picture.


Contest Time at iHeartFaces

Monday, April 18, 2011

I haven't been entering contests over at iheartfaces lately; don't know why really. I think I've been doing way too much multi-tasking. I'm very impulsive when it comes to information. I see some new technique or inspiration for a picture and I'm off to try it; even if I'm in the middle of two or three other projects.

But, this week's challenge was wind and I knew I had a good picture. Here's a small version of it. You can click on the thumbnail and go over to my photoblog for the full post.

Katie singing in the wind


New Photo Challenge - Wind!

There's a new photo challenge over at iheartfaces--Wind. As soon as I heard it, I knew I had the perfect picture for this. I took this picture of my daughter, Katie, last year on the Ferry from Seattle to Bremerton. We were on our way back from a trip to the Lego store in Bellevue and had a full day of activities, so everyone was pretty tired by this time. Katie just found a good spot and started to sing (really loud) while bobbing back and forth in the wind. It's not the sharpest picture, since it WAS windy and we WERE on a ferry :D, but I just love this shot.


Grunge Mix - Vintage

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I spent some time today going through different tutorials for creating textures. One great one I found was Evolution of a Texture. I followed most of the instructions and interpreted others for my own use. I like the way they came out. This article definitely gave me ideas and I can't wait to try out other techniques. I made 5 textures in different shades, all are available to download on my flickr page.


Blogging from my iPad

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I'm trying out BlogPress on my iPad. So far, it looks pretty good, although I haven't finished setting it up completely. I'll post an update after I have it all set up. Since I only have the wi-fi version, I was looking for an off-line blogging client and Blog Press seems to fit the bill.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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