Color Spots November 21, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Today's Color Spot is a cute idea for an Advent Calendar: Hats and Mittens, available at Garnet Hill.
Today's Color Spot is a cute idea for an Advent Calendar: Hats and Mittens, available at Garnet Hill.
It's been a while since I entered anything for the i Heart Faces Photo Challenges, but this picture seemed appropriate, since it was one of the first Fall pictures I took with my new 50mm 1.8. That, and Katie actually posed for me, instead of doing her usual wiggling/hopping/fake smiling bit. Yay, my little girl is growing up. :D
Now, I'm not usually one to go for cutesy chachkies, but I saw these Christmas Salt and Pepper shakers at the Pottery Barn and they looked more like Holiday decorations. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it ^__*
Looks like everyone is skipping the Thanksgiving decorations and getting out the Christmas stuff already, so here is some gift wrap to get started. These are from the World Market site and I had a really hard time to pick just these few.
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