Color Spots Jan 14, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wow, my first post in the new year--and the month is already half over! Well, now that all the Christmas decorations have been packed and put away for next Christmas, I can concentrate on the upcoming task of the annual tax return (blech). Not a task I am looking forward to. Every year, I have every intention of doing it really early jut to get it done and out of the way, and then I end up scrambling the last week before the deadline to finish it! Well, not this year, she said with every confidence; this year will be different! No, really, I mean it!
These Banana Nut Muffins I found on the Betty Crocker site look like a welcomed distraction from the long, strenuous process of receipt organization and figuring out deductions. I bet you wondered how I was going to get from Taxes to food to Color Spots, didn't you? Easy, there is always a way to connect food to just about any task you can think of, right?
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