Soft and Faded
Thursday, July 14, 2011
It's Texture Tuesday at the Kim Klassen Café. This week's edition is Pretty in Pink and we need to use the Aurora texture. What, just use one texture? Hmmm, don't think I can do that. How about 4 or 5? Yeah, that sounds better. ☺
This is not a new picture. I shot this in September of 2009 at the Olympia, WA Capitol Grounds. The gardens were lovely and I was aiming for the flowers when the bee just happened to fly by--snap, lucky shot. I've posted the original (cleaned up) on my blog and flickrstream before, but I wanted to try to put a softer spin on it--enter Textures.
Hover your mouse over the picture to see the before.
Here's what I used:
- Hue/Saturation Adjustment to desaturate a bit
- Nelly Nero - Modfather and turned on the Pop,Brighten and Fade Highlights and Toning layers
- Textures: k_canvasbackmagic, Screen, 100%; kk_canvasback, Soft Light, 87%; 3 copies of kk_aurora, Linear Burn, 59%, Soft Light, 24% with an Invert Adjustment Layer at 89%, Multiply, 33%; kk_luminous, Screen, 74%
- Then I grouped the texture layers and added a layer mask to bring back a bit of the bee
- Solid Color Adjustment Layer, c4d4c3, Multiply, 18%
- Solid Color Adjustment Layer, f2ebc6, Soft Light, 64%
- The photo frame is from Katie Pertiet from Designer Digitals
1 awesome comments:
So so beautiful !
Love the soft faded blue and the frame, gorgeous !
Wish you a nice weekend,
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