Geeky Faves

Saturday, October 29, 2011

This edition of Pinteresting picks features some pretty cool gadgets I would love to own--especially the Jawbone Up when it comes out (provided it doesn't blow the budget of course). Enjoy--the links are below.

On a blogging-tip side note: I recommend getting your links before you start your post. I just made the mistake of thinking I could just copy them off the page--and promptly got side-tracked by new pins o__O

  1. For a clutter free desk-- a pretty USB Tulip Hub.
  2. The ORB is a mobile headset that doubles as a ring and displays messages. How cool is that?
  3. This Expandable Surge Protector lets you widen the outlets so you can use all of them.
  4. Audio Light Bulbs are wireless, illuminated speakers. Plug your iPod/iPhone (or music player) into the transmitter to play back your tunes--and it's also a 60W lightbulb!
  5. The Jawbone Up is a new gadget that tracks calories burned, steps, movement (at night, as in how many times you get up) and transmits the data to your mobile device.

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