DIY Sofa Table - Ikea Style
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Well, it's been quite some time since my last blog post. So, to start off the new year, I am determined (not using the R-word here) to make more frequent posts. Not that I didn't have anything to share--it's just so much easier to use other Social Networking methods, like Pinterest, Facebook, Google+, and my new favorite, Flipboard.
During one of my recent trips to Pinterest I saw a great idea for a DIY sofa table using aged boards repurposed from other furniture. I forgot to pint it or even like it, so I don't have the exact pin anymore (grrr), but if you do a search on DIY sofa tables, you'll come up with a ton of great ideas. But, since I didn't have any old furniture to repurpose, I came up with something else using--wait for it--repurposed Ikea shelving!
After measuring the walls and deciding how wide I wanted the shelves, I waited patiently (well, maybe not so patiently) for our next trip to Ikea.
...Insert Jeopardy Music here...
I love these shelves, since you can cut them to size and the brackets will hide the cuts. Once I had the shelves up on the wall, I added a shelf vertically on each side, with one end-bracket on the bottom and a small angle bracket at the top.
I decided not to try to figure out how to do the corner, partly because I didn't want to make a big project out of it. So I left about a foot from the corners free and added a nice large vase and added some decorative flora.
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