Aaargh. Bugs!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Yay, my Accidental Bee picture made it into Group 3 of The Pioneer Woman's Bug picture Photography Assignment (happy dance)!

That's the second time one of my pictures made a selection! The last assignment was Macros and I entered my Mosquito (or similar bug--wasn't sure, but it looked mosquito-like) on a Tulip (I'm sure about the tulip, they're my faves :D). I didn't make the finals, but I'm happy to just make the group of about 20 or so selections out of millions. OK, so I'm exaggerating about the millions but it's a bunch and I for one think it's pretty cool. Anyway, a finalist group will be selected from each group and then the winner from that group will get the prize. Hmmm, I don't even know what that'll be this time, I just heard bugs and thought, hey, I got some bugs I can enter. There are always tons of wonderful entries and really enjoy visiting everyone's photostream and/or website and checking out their stuff.
I wonder what the next challenge will be about...


Princess for a Day

Sunday, June 6, 2010

On Saturday morning, Katie announced that she wanted to dress up in last year's Halloween costume (a pink princess outfit complete with tiara) and have a Tea Party. She spent some time trying to decide which ones of her stuffed animals to invite, since she only has four chairs.
Well, you don't have to tell me twice, I know how to spot an opportunity to grab the camera to try to capture this event (emphasis on try :D). Of course, I only managed a couple of shots, mainly because her highness didn't want to hold still and the whole event lasted just about under 15 minutes before we declared the party over and is was decreed that we wanted to watch a video *sigh*. I so envy the professionals who used to come to Katie's daycare--Li'l Angels Photography. They always got the best, most natural smiles out of both my kids. I can't seem to get them to stop long enough to try to focus :P
I did, however have the perfect pages on hand--Quickpages (also known as Ploppers) at that. So, all the work of the Layout has already been done and all one has to do is plop pictures into the placeholders. These particular ones are freebies from Vera Lim (vlim_itsmydayqp6 and qp1_antje), so these came together pretty fast.


New challenge at iHeartFaces

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

There's a new challenge over at the iHeartFaces site--no competition this week, just for fun and to bring awareness to a good cause: Soles4Souls. I made my contribution on my personal site. Check it out and read about Barefoot Week.


iHeartFaces - Week 22 - Barefoot Week

This week is a non-competition week at iHeartFaces, but, unlike other weeks, we are able to post more than one photo. The photos can be anything around shoes and feet.

About Soles 4 Souls: Soles4Souls is a Nashville-based charity that collects shoes from the warehouses of footwear companies and the closets of people like you. The charity distributes these shoes free of charge to people in need, regardless of race, religion, class, or any other criteria. Since 2005, Soles4Souls has given away over 7 million pairs of new and gently worn shoes (currently donating one pair every 9 seconds.) The shoes have been distributed to people in over 125 countries, including Kenya, Thailand, Nepal and the United States. Soles4Souls has been featured in Runner's World, Ladies’ Home Journal, National Geographic’s Green Guide, and The New York Times. It has appeared on CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, BBC, CNN and thousands of regional news outlets across North America. Soles4Souls is a 501(c)(3) recognized by the IRS and donating parties are eligible for tax advantages. Anyone can join our cause, and we need your help.

I am definitely not a foot-person. It's kind of like nude beaches--invariably, you only see the people who should really keep their clothes on!
I feel the same about feet, always have (usually, the people with the most gnarly looking toes wear the most revealing, open shoes) Summer is especially offensive; don't get me started!
I never thought that would change, until I had kids (of course, you probably say). I just love those chubby little feet with the even chubbier tiny toes. Ok, enough blubbering, here are my pictures of my favorite little people in the world--well, of course they are, they're mine :D

This is Katie's first time at the beach after we came back from our Adoption Trip to China

More to come here...

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