Saturday @ Home

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wow, we didn't have anything planned for this weekend! Usually, there is at least some birthday, cubscout event, or something else going on. And, to top it off, the sun was out, which doesn't happen too often on weekends here in Washington after all! So, we went outside and the kids did some swinging and digging and then they found an old plastic basketball hoop stand which we bought for Nick when he was 2 or 3. After a few hoops (more or less), Nick started coughing again and I started to get a headache--darn allergies! Well, back inside, where Katie decided that it was Mommy Pig's Birthday and she proceded to organize a tea-party.
Invited guests included Max and Ruby, Blue, Magenta and Marlin--not Nemo, since this particular fish does not have the lucky fin.

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